Saamna scaled 1

Shri Nitin Tiwari, exemplary talks with Saamna – a news median based in Mumbai

Saamna, a news median based in Mumbai, interviewed Shri Nitin Tiwari, an iconic figure who set astonishing wonders and stood gloriously in every facet laid to deploy establishment-aiding services in various sectors. The same was narrated and acknowledged while enlightening the interview. The following are the insights from the talks delivered by Mr. Tiwari. • Attaining success is not a simple feat: It requires enduring the flames of hard work and overcoming countless obstacles. Nitin Tiwari, Group Chairman of Aarav Global Products and Services Private Limited, concluded it as an embodiment, showcasing how dedication can elevate one’s achievements, narrating his journey from uncertainty to success, which was marked by unwavering diligence. He emphasized the irreplaceable value of hard work and the significance of surrounding oneself with the right influences. He shared his diverse experiences, from student politics to engineering and professional roles at organizations like the United Nations and Bayer, reflecting his resilience and adaptability. Despite setbacks, including de-motivation and unsuccessful ventures abroad, Mr. Tiwari spoke about his persistence, which was driven by a desire to explore entrepreneurship. Inspired by family and encouraged by an opportunity in Prayagraj, he leaped into business, a decision made after careful consideration and discussion. • Recounting his journey, starting with a small venture in Malad: He also talked about a plight wherein his friend’s Prayagraj-based company faced bankruptcy. Undeterred by setbacks, extensive experiences in various large corporations kept him going. Despite numerous challenges, the company faced a standstill. However, Mr. Tiwari pivoted to IT consulting in the private sector. He concurrently joined SBI, leading to unforeseen opportunities attributed to divine grace. They were bolstered by faith, carrying a painting of Bholenath everywhere. Today, the company has more than 17 industrial collaborations, ranking among the top in the software sector, surpassed only by TCS, Wipro, and APF. Despite the pandemic, the business flourished, expanding into multiple domains like hospitality, construction, and pharma. Plans for a new venture in Ayodhya are underway, with land scouting in progress. Mr. Tiwari reflected on his past struggles, discussing the doubts that arose amid insufficient support from others who took software for granted. Now, with an office spanning six thousand square feet, the journey’s trials and triumphs were acknowledged, culminating in current success. • Defining success as synonymous with hard work: In the competitive market landscape, continuous business involvement is imperative for survival. Mr. Tiwari spoke about developing Business Continuity Services with a smartly constructed team in response, underscoring their commitment to business sustainability. Notably, they have allocated a 50 percent job quota for residents, 75 percent of the workforce being Marathi. Despite being from Uttar Pradesh, Mr. Tiwari emphasized his connection to Maharashtra, expressing gratitude for the opportunity to contribute to his birthplace. In their hiring practices, preference is given to Maharashtra residents. However, individuals from various states, including Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, and even Nepal, who contribute to the state’s progress, are welcomed into the workforce. • Positive Experience with Student Politics: With actively engaging in it, Mr. Tiwari described himself as having a Sanatanist inclination since his involvement. Despite a stint with Congress, remaining committed to serving his community was an utmost priority. Eventually, choosing to step away from politics, as it wasn’t his calling – Mr. Tiwari added. Criticizing the decision, he pledged to continue serving his people on the streets and in Parliament. Reflecting on his conduct, Mr. Tiwari spoke about his assertiveness in striving to do right by others and refraining from dishonesty or discourteous behavior. He emphasized the importance of integrity and its enduring relevance in society. • Stating Casteism as toxic, which has seeped into the consciousness of our society – added by Mr.Tiwari: Highlighting its growing visibility, he stated that it was essential to recognize the imperative to act for his community and emphasize commitment to safeguarding his brotherhood. Prioritizing the upliftment of underprivileged Brahmins, he underscored the importance of extending job opportunities and support to them. Mr. Tiwari’s efforts extended beyond employment, with significant contributions to aiding cancer patients, distributing blankets during cold spells, and promptly assisting various societal needs. • Nitin Tiwari spoke about his vision of a beggar-free India: Starting with his efforts in Mumbai and Maharashtra, he spoke about his aims to eradicate begging from every corner of the nation’s streets. He referred to the influx of Rohingyas and Bangladeshi citizens engaging in illegal begging and selling goods facilitated by a beggar mafia network as highly alarming. Mr. Tiwari stressed the urgent need for government and police support to address this issue effectively. To contribute to the said issue, Mr. Tiwari talked about the ongoing collaborations with organizations, with which diligently data is being collected on beggars, revealing over a thousand in Maharashtra and approximately 300-350 in Mumbai alone, with similar trends in cities like Pune and Nagpur. With these talks, it was evident that pertaining to a broadened toolkit of experience developed with extreme levels of hard work and advancement, Shri. Nitin Tiwari aims to contribute immense amounts of transitions to society towards the betterment of the best grade. Read the Hindi E-Paper here!

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