Are Indian Bodybuilders fit enough to face the World Class Athletes

Are Indian Bodybuilders fit enough to face the World-Class Athletes? 

Performance-enhancing Drugs could be a go-to consumable for sculpting a defined muscular physique. Yet, most of the Indian Bodybuilders cannot be considered as complete as the rest of the world. 

Anabolics is one such ingredient that has allowed the Indian wannabes to develop a muscular physique irrespective of form and factor. And so have emerged the nincompoops with mere knowledge to be regarded as National Coaches and Gurus.  

The reason behind such gallantry is, yet again, the usage of exogenous substances, and the grounds to project this statement depend on multiple observations, but before that, here’s some key information on bodybuilding as a sport. 

  • Though multiple events back in Indian history showcases legendary individuals who shined as wrestlers and what not. Unlike the invention of zero, bodybuilding as a sport emerged in western countries who scaled it to a larger extent with years. 
  • India saw Monotosh Roy as its first Title winner in Bodybuilding sport, followed by Manohar Aich. 
  • As the usage of anabolics was deemed necessary for the bodybuilders associated with the title ‘Mr. Olympia’, the appearances of their physique kept iterating. 

Many Indian individuals were seen wearing the lapel of a coach with no adequate knowledge, shooting needles, and feeding milligrams to the participants desiring to compete. With a farmer’s diet and gruesome dosages, no doubt that these individuals ended up with muscular development with mediocre proportions.  
How exactly does the usage of anabolics help in muscular development? 

  • Increase in anabolism, aiding repair & growth of muscle tissues 
  • Increased metabolism 
  • Hence increased Fat-burning Effect 
  • Improved Protein Synthesis 
  • Fat-Free Mass gain 

Based on these properties, the Indian coaches, on the name of nutritional nomenclature, used to set up a chart consisting of food items loosely based on logic, more on orthodox beliefs. However, due to the greater metabolic effect of the anabolics, recipients ended up achieving closely identical results, which has led that diet to get concluded as the standard of the diets within the crowd. Hence implicating the same ingredients for the general population as well. 

The biggest factor that has abolished bodybuilding in India is Self-Conceit, this is evident among almost all the fitness professionals in India. It is essential to pertain to a willingness to receive knowledge and information. Wherein most of the imprudents always project themselves in denial, refraining from learning the essentials that would take them to a greater extent in industry. 

Though we see multiple sharp posts on social platforms, with defined muscles and striations, we still have a long haul laid Infront of us which would land us in major numbers against the big giants and aesthetically proportioned athletes of the world. 

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