Why ‘Sanatani Science’ Deserves More Recognition
Over the last few years, there has been a rising sense of awareness in Indians towards our own culture and the Sanatani values. The influence of Western culture and science has dominated the narrative and overshadowed our own culture for several decades, or perhaps even the last couple of centuries, but the tides are rapidly turning today. While nobody would deny modern science and its well-researched facts, it is time to also start looking inward at the ocean of knowledge that our ancestors have left us since ancient times regarding the universe, nature, health and so on.
While the Indians are recognising and celebrating the Sanatani culture primarily for sentimental reasons, there is a scientific aspect to this change as well. There are many accepted scientific facts that support the vast teachings of Sanatani science. They prove that its teachings are not only relevant but also highly valuable and followed even today. Here are a few aspects of ‘Sanatani Science’ that simply cannot be refuted even in the modern world.
Boundless mathematic teachings
It is a well-known fact that the number ‘0’ was invented in India by well-known astronomer Aryabhatta in the 5th Century, and it was originally called ‘Shunya.’ The further uses and rules of this number were described by another known scientist, Brahmaputra, in the 7th Century. These teachings travelled to China and various parts of Europe in the consequent decades and were given different names in different countries. The Italians called this number ‘Zefero,’ which is from where the word ‘zero’ was coined.
Aryabhatta was also responsible for the creation of ‘pi’ and the decimal system, which are also used countless times today in the various facets of science. He is only one of the many great scientists from ancient and medieval Indian times who sowed the seeds of science whose fruits the whole of humanity is reaping today.
The idea of finite and infinite
Modern science indicates that the main purpose of the universe’s existence cannot be known. However, the Vedantas of Hinduism teach us that the purpose itself is infinite, and that the study and obsession of the material world is finite in nature. The Sanatani science instead directs us to focus more internally and talk about intellect (buddhi), chitta (memory), ahamkara (ego) and the soul (atman). Today, the entire Western world is obsessed with the study and scientific developments of the mind, as visible in the increased awareness and research in psychology. Since the beginning of time, Hinduism has stated the presence of the universe to be infinite, and in an inverse way, our minds and souls hold certain connections with the very existence of this universe.
Lord Vishnu’s Dashavatar vis-a-vis Theory of Evolution
Many academic scholars in India and outside believe that the Dashavatar saga of Lord Vishnu aptly explains the theory of evolution on Earth. Dashavatar refers to the ten different avatars or forms Lord Vishnu took on Earth to defeat the rising evil. His first Matsya avatar was a fish, and the theory of evolution explains that fish eventually moved to land and adapted to the conditions, eventually transforming into millions of different species. His other various avatars include Kurma (which matches the qualities of an amphibian that can live on land and water), Vamana (a dwarf), as well and Lord Rama and Lord Krishna, two mature and wise characters that define the mature growth of humans. The Dashavatar saga of Lors Vishnu is one of the several aspects of Hinduism that adds weight to the depth of Sanatani Science.
Space and Galaxy in Hinduism
The ancient scripture of Hinduism has the mention of the planets and galaxies, which are researched and studied worldwide today. The significance of the moon and Mars (Mangal graha) is widely used in Hindu teachings. While astronomy and astrology are completely different from one another, they share one significant similarity, the study of space and planets. While astronomy studies the physical and scientific aspects of space, astrology preaches the influence of space and the positioning of planets in our lives. While astrology hasn’t been scientifically proven, a large number of people believe in its accuracy and have made astrology a part of their lives. Tales like Ramayana, Mahabharata and other innumerable tales of Hinduism written since ancient times had already proved the existence of space and universe, whereas certain cult believers in the West still believe that the Earth is flat. There are several more facets that explore our universe, galaxies, solar systems, and the planets explained in Sanatani Science, which are too vast to publish in a single blog or article.
Ayurveda and Homeopathy
Ayurveda and homeopathy are today being received and accepted with an open mind even by the most erudite professionals of Western science. There have been many cases in India and across the world where Ayurveda and homeopathy, two highly-followed health treatments of Sanatani Science, have cured people who had failed by Western medicine and treatment. Even many of the doctors of the most esteemed hospitals who are trained to operate and treat the most life-threatening health problems emphasise the power of prayer and often recommend their patients to seek refuge in Ayurveda.
Here are just a few aspects of the ‘Sanatani Science’ that have been scientifically proven, and it is thus time to give more focus and acknowledgment to our ‘Sanatani Science’ by learning more about our culture and teachings.
Image source: Facebook (Lord Shiva)
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